Let’s play two!

31264605What is it about the top of the fourth inning?  The Padres broke through for three runs in that frame in Game 3 and held on for a 3-1 win over the Cardinals, forcing another game at Busch Stadium on Sunday. Eight of the 12 runs scored by both teams in this series have scored in the top of the fourth.

BranyanIt’s been a tough few days for home fans, first at PETCO Park and now at Busch. But as usual the Cardinals fans were out in force, lending a college football atmosphere befitting a cool Saturday afternoon in October. Judging from the old-school Onyx blasting from the speakers, the outdoor patio at Mike Shannon’s place a block from the stadium (if we’re throwing out downtown recommendations, don’t forget Charlie Gitto’s) was already getting going at 9:30 a.m., and by the time Jeff Suppan threw his first pitch Busch Stadium was packed. But for whatever reason, the amped-up home crowds have not translated to on-field success for the home team. The Cards will try to reverse that trend tomorrow.


  1. thomtrue@swbell.net

    If the Cardinals could control the series at will, which I hope they could, it would be nice for every game end here at home where they belong. It willbe hard enough just winning one of the next two, but I think the birds have a good chance tonight. Good thing to talk abouot Monday morning at work!!

    Don’t party to hard everyone!

  2. higgjmmy@yahoo.com

    forget all I said about their hitting. I can @$$ about a another team. The padres have talented hitters. And better pitchers than the cards do. but I still think wre gonna win the nlds!

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